Achieving peak performance and accelerating recovery are paramount for athletes striving for excellence. At AIM Health, we offer a variety of cutting-edge therapies designed to enhance performance, pre-conditioning, and recovery from injury. Our advanced treatments support athletes in reaching their optimal health and wellness goals.

Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC)

What is WBC? Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures to trigger a physiological response. Treatments are quick and easy, requiring just a 2-4 minute session in our cryo-chamber.

Why WBC? WBC offers numerous benefits, including reduced muscle soreness and faster recovery. It alleviates Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) and decreases inflammation, making it ideal for post-training recovery and preparing athletes for their next workout. Additionally, WBC aids in injury treatment by reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep quality, and boosting energy levels. Regular sessions can also stimulate the immune system, potentially lowering the risk of illness, while the release of endorphins elevates mood and reduces pain perception.

Red-light bed at Aim Health Red Light Therapy

What is Red Light Therapy? Red light therapy is a simple, non-invasive treatment that delivers concentrated natural light to your skin and cells. During a session, you simply lie down in our light pod for 15-20 minutes.

Why Red Light Therapy? Near Infrared light penetrates beyond the surface of the skin to affect brain cells directly. This natural light is absorbed by the mitochondria, boosting activity and forming new connections while decreasing inflammation. Red light therapy helps with joint pain and muscle recovery, improving overall recovery rates and preventing immediate soreness and fatigue after a workout. Studies show that consistent use of red light therapy promotes significant gains in strength, speed, and endurance, benefiting individuals on their journey to higher fitness levels.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber at Aim HealthHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Hydrogen (HBOT-H)

What is HBOT-H? HBOT-H₂ is a non-invasive treatment that delivers oxygen and molecular hydrogen to your body in a pressurized chamber. All you need to do is sit back and relax with your favourite book for 45-60 minutes.

Why HBOT-H? HBOT-H₂ enhances oxygen delivery to muscles and organs, boosting energy production, stamina, endurance, and cognitive function. It improves performance in endurance, strength, and agility disciplines. For recovery, HBOT reduces inflammation, promotes tissue repair and regeneration, and helps athletes recover faster from intense workouts or injuries by increasing oxygen supply and clearing metabolic waste. A 2022 study found improved mitochondrial respiration and physical performance, including maximal oxygen capacity, with young soccer players showing enhanced endurance after three weeks of HBOT.

Compression Therapy

What is Compression Therapy? Compression therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses pneumatic compression boots to gently massage muscle tissues in your legs, improving blood circulation, reducing swelling, removing toxins, and promoting lymph drainage.

Why Compression Therapy? Compression therapy alleviates pain from conditions like tendonitis and muscle strains by reducing inflammation and swelling. By enhancing blood flow and lymph drainage, it improves circulation, wound healing, and tissue repair. It also reduces muscle fatigue and increases oxygenation, enabling harder and longer training sessions while lowering injury risk. Compression therapy accelerates recovery from surgery, injuries, and illnesses, allowing athletes to resume their routines faster. It improves peripheral circulation, aids in tissue repair, and reduces the severity of DOMS, enabling athletes to train more intensely and recover more effectively.

Rebalance® Impulse

What is Rebalance® Impulse? Rebalance® Impulse is a non-invasive advanced technology that offers a comprehensive guided neuro-relaxation and neuro-training experience. All you need to do is slip off your shoes and relax on our ‘zero-gravity’ bed for 20-30 minutes.

Why Rebalance® Impulse? REBALANCE® Impulse uses applied neuroscience to help athletes manage stress and enhance recovery, optimising performance, focus, and reducing fatigue. Through a combination of mental training and physical rejuvenation techniques, including meditation, breathing exercises, chromotherapy, and visualisation, athletes experience improved well-being and sleep and peak performance support. Neuro-relaxation stimulates alpha wave production in the brain, boosting focus, lowering stress, and improving recovery from intense activities.

Experience Peak Performance at AIM Health

At AIM Health, our therapies are designed to support athletes in achieving peak performance and expediting recovery. Whether you’re looking to enhance your training, recover from an injury, or simply maintain optimal health, our advanced treatments provide the comprehensive care you need. Visit us today and take the first step towards elevating your athletic performance.