Maximising Athletic Performance and Recovery: The Benefits of “Squeeze and Freeze”

For athletes, maintaining peak physical condition is crucial not only for performance but also for recovery. The dynamic combination of compression therapy and whole-body cryotherapy—known as the “squeeze and freeze” technique—has emerged as a transformative tool that serves both these purposes. By integrating these therapies into their routine, athletes can enhance performance during training and competitions while also accelerating recovery post-exertion. Here’s how the “squeeze and freeze” approach can be a game-changer for athletes.

1. Enhancing Peripheral Circulation for Peak Performance

Effective blood circulation is vital for athletic performance, as it ensures that muscles receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function optimally. Compression therapy plays a key role in improving peripheral circulation, particularly in the extremities, where blood flow can be compromised after intense physical activity. By applying controlled pressure, devices like Revive increase circulation, which not only prepares the muscles for exertion but also aids in maintaining performance levels during training or competition.

Enhanced circulation also facilitates the removal of metabolic waste products, reducing the risk of muscle fatigue. This means athletes can sustain higher levels of intensity for longer periods, improving their overall performance. The “squeeze” phase primes the muscles, setting the stage for peak physical output.

2. Reducing DOMS and Enhancing Training Consistency

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) can significantly impact an athlete’s ability to train consistently. The soreness and stiffness that follow strenuous exercise often lead to reduced training intensity or even missed sessions. However, the “squeeze and freeze” method can mitigate these effects.

Compression therapy helps to alleviate the symptoms of DOMS by enhancing blood flow and reducing muscle tension. This allows athletes to recover faster and return to training sooner, maintaining the consistency necessary for peak performance. Following up with whole-body cryotherapy further reduces muscle soreness by decreasing inflammation and providing pain relief. As a result, athletes experience less downtime between sessions, enabling them to train harder and more effectively.

3. Optimising Recovery and Injury Prevention

Injuries are an unavoidable part of any athlete’s journey, and the speed of recovery can greatly influence overall performance. The “squeeze and freeze” approach not only accelerates recovery but also plays a crucial role in injury prevention.

Compression therapy enhances circulation and promotes the delivery of essential nutrients to damaged tissues, speeding up the healing process. This is particularly beneficial during injury rehabilitation, where faster recovery can lead to a quicker return to training and competition. By reducing inflammation and pain through cryotherapy, athletes can further minimise recovery time and reduce the risk of re-injury. This combination ensures that athletes are not only recovering faster but are also better protected against future injuries, allowing them to maintain their performance levels over the long term.

4. Pre-Training and Pre-Competition Preparation

The benefits of “squeeze and freeze” are not limited to recovery. This approach is also highly effective when used as a pre-training or pre-competition strategy. Compression therapy can enhance muscle activation and flexibility, priming the body for high-intensity activity. The increased circulation and oxygen delivery ensure that muscles are ready to perform at their best.

Whole-body cryotherapy, on the other hand, helps to reduce any pre-existing muscle stiffness and calms the nervous system, allowing athletes to enter their training or competition with a clear mind and a relaxed body. The endorphin release triggered by cryotherapy also helps in managing pre-competition nerves, contributing to better focus and mental preparation.


The “squeeze and freeze” approach is a versatile and powerful method that benefits athletes by enhancing both performance and recovery. By integrating compression therapy and whole-body cryotherapy into their routine, athletes can optimise their physical readiness, maintain consistency in training, and accelerate recovery after exertion. Whether used before or after physical activity, this combination ensures that athletes are always performing at their best and recovering as efficiently as possible.

Flushing out toxins and lactic acid with the “squeeze” and then reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery with the “freeze,” this method provides a comprehensive approach for athletes who are serious about maximising their potential. The “squeeze and freeze” technique effectively supports both performance and recovery, helping athletes achieve and maintain peak physical condition.